Pure Pulse Photography

Upper Yosemite Falls
celebrating source – essential rhythms in light and life

What strikes visual and emotional chords when you are absolutely free to create? It’s such a simple activity and might seem like the ultimate indulgence but it holds hidden and valuable rewards. Visual threads expose our affinities, passions, appreciations, and what we seek to reflect back to others.

Discovering the perfect interplay between light and form becomes completely captivating, and therapeutic. I refer to these observations as pure pulse moments. Finding textures, patterns, shapes, following threads of visual rhythms seen at varying temporal and physical scales.

“Celebrating Source” is the process of appreciative discovery. Discovering awe in the simple wonders of life by being fully conscious through our senses. This deeply appreciative space opens a welcomed feeling that everything is exactly the way it should be. The universal gift humanity achieves through immersion rather than separation from the natural world.

We can be on similar journeys yet our unique perspectives filter how we see the world around us. Freely sharing our complementary visions with a genuine appreciative passion notable enriches our collective experience.

Numerous trips revolve around a Boise-based adventure group of avid adventurers known as Idaho Outdoors. Over the years, they witness my obsession and excitement over what likely appears the strangest things. Be it the patterns created in a muddy creek bed after a flash flood recedes from a desert canyon. Or, perhaps while “stemming” a slot canyon wall, seeking the perfect angle to capture the sinuous lines created by the revealed sedimentary cross-bedded sandstone. Image creation in these subject-rich environments, generally results in me falling far behind the group.

So often during travel, adequate time to fully explore an environment or wait for that “perfect” moment seems the norm. To successfully create within these restricted time windows, suggests adopting ‘guerrilla photography’. It’s the “blink” approach to spontaneously flowing with whatever visual subject matter continually revealing itself. Like a dance, anticipating the moment, then swiftly taking just the time needed to capture or just immerse in what you “see” before moving on.

It forces you to see and appreciate exactly what’s there and accept those visual gifts as perfect. It can become a cherished way of seeing and opportunities start appearing everywhere. The prediction of interesting angles and unfolding of choice moments, becomes a big part of creating great imagery.

I dream about taking inordinate amounts of time to explore and capture imagery so whether the guerrilla mode of photography persists remains to be seen.

Appreciative, experiential perspective. Common threads of magic moments point towards something deeper.”

Dexter Sear – Pure Pulse Photography